Hymn CD1
1. All people that on earth do
dwell (22)
2. Organ (22)
3. Love is His Word (399)
4. Organ (399)
5. Now thank we all our God (512)
6. Organ (512)
7. O bread of heaven (517)
8. Organ (517)
9. Praise my soul the King of heaven (602)
10. Organ (602)
11. Soul of my Saviour (663)
12. Organ (663)
13. The Church's one foundation (688)
14. Organ (688)
15. The Lord's my shepherd (706)
16. Organ (706)
17. Walk with me O my Lord (765)
18. Organ (765)
19. When I survey the wondrous Cross (801)
20. Organ (801)
Hymn CD2
1. Amazing Grace (400
2. Organ 940)
3. Come down O love divine (125)
4. Organ (125)
5. Come Holy Ghost (126)
6. Organ (126)
7. Dear Lord & Father of mankind (143)
8. Organ (143)
9. Into one we all are gathered (312)
10. Organ (312)
11. Jesus Christ is risen today (322)
12. Organ (322)
13. Of the glorious body telling (563)
14. Organ (563)
15. O perfect love (546)
16. Organ (546)
17. The King of love my shepherd is (699)
18. Organ (699)
19. Were you there? (791)
20. Organ (791)
Hymn CD3
1. Bring flowers of the rarest (101)
2. Organ (101)
3. For all the saints (176)
4. Organ (176)
5. In bread we bring you Lord (302)
6. Organ (302)
7. Let all that is within me (356)
8. Organ (356)
9. Let us break bread together (359)
10. Organ (359)
11. Love divine all loves excelling (398)
12. Organ (398)
13. O come and mourn with me a while (521)
14. Organ (5210
15. The day thou gavest (691)
16. Organ (691)
17. The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (717)
18. Organ (717)
19. This joyful Eastertide (735)
20. Organ (735)
Hymn CD4
1. Alleluia sing to Jesus (37)
2. Organ (37)
3. As gentle as silence (570)
4. Organ (570)
5. Be still and know that I am God (71)
6. Organ (71)
7. Faith of our fathers (156)
8. Organ (1560
9. Give me joy in my heart (190)
10. Organ (190)
11. Glory be to Jesus (197)
12. Organ (197)
13. Lord for tomorrow and it's needs (380)
14. Organ (380)
15. Mine eyes have seen the glory (488)
16. Organ (488)
17. My God accept my heart this day (495)
18. Organ (4950
19. O Jesus Christ remember (535)
20. Organ (535)
21. To Christ the Prince of Peace (744)
22. Organ (744)
Hymn CD5
1. Abide with me (9)
2. Organ (9)
3. Breathe on me breath of God (98)
4. Organ (98)
5. Christ is our King (110)
6. Organ (110)
7. Eternal Father strong to save (152)
8. Organ (152)
9. Glory to God (198)
10. Organ (198)
11. Go the Mass is ended (203)
12. Organ (203)
13. I saw the grass (283)
14. Organ (283)
15. Kum Ba Yah (344)
16. Organ (344)
17. Oh when the saints (571)
18. Organ (571)
19. On this house your blessing Lord (576)
20. Organ (576)
21. Our Father (Estelle White) (585)
22. Organ (585)
23. Peace is flowing like a river (595)
24. Organ (595)
25. Sing my soul (649)
26. Organ (649)
Hymn CD6
1. At the name of Jesus (59)
2. Organ (59)
3. Firmly I believe and truly (173)
4. Organ (173)
5. God of mercy and compassion (219)
6. Organ (2190
7. Guide me O thou Great Redeemer (233)
8. Organ (233)
9. Help Lord the souls (252)
10. Organ (252)
11. He who would valiant be (248)
12. Organ (248)
13. Holy God we praise your name (257)
14. Organ (257)
15. Immortal invisible (301)
16. Organ (301)
17. King of Glory, King of Peace (343)
18. Organ (343)
19. My song is love unknown (503)
20. Organ (503)
21. Sweet sacrament divine (674)
22. Organ (674)
Hymn CD7
1. And did those feet (Jerusalem) (44)
2. Organ (44)
3. Be thou my vision (74)
4. Organ (74)
5. Christ the Lord is risen today (112)
6. Organ (112)
7. Lord Jesus think on me (384)
8. Organ (384)
9. O Godhead hid (531)
10. Organ (531)
11. On Jordan's bank (575)
12. Organ (575)
13. O Sacred Heart (553)
14. Organ (553)
15. Praise to the holiest (606)
16. Organ (606)
17. Sweet heart of Jesus (673)
18. Organ (673)
19. The green life rises (695)
20. Organ (695)
Hymn CD8
1. All glory laud and honour (17)
2. Organ (17)
3. All things bright and beautiful (27)
4. Organ (27)
5. I vow to thee (286)
6. Organ (286)
7. Jesus gentlest Saviour (325)
8. Organ (325)
9. Jesus my Lord, my God, my all (329)
10. Organ (329)
11. Lord thy Word abideth (390)
12. Organ (390)
13. O food of travellers (525)
14. Organ (525)
15. On a hill far away (573)
16. Organ (573)
17. Spirit of God (664)
18. Organ (664)
19. Thine be the glory (728)
20. Organ (728)
21. Upon thy table (756)
22. Organ (756)
Hymn CD9
1. Colours of day (1180
2. Organ (118)
3. Father in my life I see (160)
4. Organ (160)
5. Hail redeemer King divine (239)
6. Organ (239)
7. Holy Virgin by God's decree (263)
8. Organ (263)
9. I watch the sunrise (288)
10. Organ (288)
11. Lord accept the gifts we offer (377)
12. Organ (377)
13. Morning has broken (490)
14. Organ (490)
15. Oh Lord my God (568)
16. Organ (568)
17. Praise to the Lord (608)
18. Organ (608)
19. Seek ye first (633)
20. Organ (633)
21. Tell out my soul (684)
22. Organ (684)
23. This is my body (730)
24. Organ (730)
Hymn CD10A 2 CDs (Mass Settings)
Gathering Mass
404 - Penitential Act,
405 - Gloria (extra voices)
433 - Sanctus,
434-6 - Acclamations 1-3,
437 - Doxology & Great Amen
Mass for All Saints
957 - Penitential Act,
958 - Gloria (extra voices),
959 - Sanctus
960a-c - Acclamations 1-3
961 - Doxology & Great Amen
962 - The Lord's Prayer
963 - Agnus Dei
Mass of Peace (Bodley)
964a - Penitential Act,
964b - Gloria (extra voices),
964c - Sanctus
964d-f - Acclamations 1-3
964g - Doxology & Great Amen
964h - Agnus Dei
New Celtic Liturgy
966a - Penitential Act 3,
966b - Gloria,
966c - Sanctus,
966d-f - Acclamations 1-3,
966g - Doxology & Great Amen,
966h - Agnus Dei
A New People's Mass
459 - Penitential Act
460 - Gloria,
461 - Sanctus,
462a-c - Acclamations 1-3,
463 - Doxology & Great Amen
464 - The Lord's Prayer
465 - For the Kingdom
466 - Agnus Dei
Lenten Acclamations
442 - Sanctus,
443 - Acclamations 1,
444 - Acclamations 2,
445 - Acclamations 3,
446 - Doxology & Amen
Spring Sanctus
447 - Sanctus,
448 - Acclamations 1,
449 - Acclamations 1,
450 - Acclamations 1,
451 - Doxology & Amen,
Coventry Mass
407 - Gloria,
425 - Sanctus,
426a-c - Acclamations 1-3,
427 - Great Amen
Bakhita Acclamations
422 - Sanctus (first bar),
423a-c - Acclamations 1-3,
424 - Doxology & Amen
Mass of Hope
428 - Sanctus,
429 - Acclamations 1,
430 - Acclamations 2,
431 - Acclamations 3,
432 - Doxology & Amen
Millennium Mass
929 - Millennium Alleluia,
936 - Sanctus,
937a-c - Acclamations 1-3,
938 - Doxology & Amen
Inwood Mass
939 - Sanctus,
940a - Acclamations 1,
940b - Acclamations 2,
940c - Acclamations 3,
941 - Doxology & Amen
In Pace Acclamations
942 - Sanctus,
943a - Acclamations 1,
943b - Acclamations 2,
943c - Acclamations 3,
944 - Doxology & Amen
Hymn CD10B (Mass Settings)
Mass of Creation (Haugen)
1. Gospel Acclamation (411)
2. Sanctus (439)
3. Acclamation 1 (440a)
4. Acclamation 2 (440b)
5. Acclamation 3 (440c)
6. Great Amen (441)
Mass of St Bernadette (Stanley)
7. Penitential Act-English (965a)
8. Penitential Act-Latin (965a)
9. Gloria (965b)
10. Sanctus (965c)
11. Acclamation 1 (965d)
12. Acclamation 2 (965e)
13. Acclamation 3 (965f)
14. Doxology & Great Amen (965g)
15. Agnus Dei (965h)
Blessing of Water
16. Grant to us O Lord (400)
17. Water of Life (401)
Penitential Act
18. Sussex Mass-Penitential Act (403)
19. Kyrie Eleison I (920)
20. Kyrie Eleison (923)
21. Gloria (Duffy) (409)
22. Gloria Tintinnabuli (924)
23. Gloria (Ward) - 1 (925)
24. Gloria (Ward) - 2 (925)
25. Plymouth Mass Gloria (927a)
26. Mass of St Luke the Evangelist (927b)
27. Pershore Mass Gloria (927c)
Gospel Acclamations
28. Celtic Alleluia (410)
29. Salisbury Alleluia (412)
30. Alleluia VII (Taizé) (413)
31. Glory and praise to you (O'Hara) (414)
32. Praise to you O Christ (Walsh) (415a)
33. Praise to you O Christ (Walsh) (415b)
34. Praise to you O Christ (Walsh) (415c)
35. Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour (Farrell) (416)
36. Gospel Greeting - Advent (928)
37. Gospel Greeting - Christmas (928)
38. Gospel Greeting - Easter (928)
39. Song of Welcome for the Word (930)
40. Alleluia Gaudete - verse 1 (931)
41. Halle, Halle, Halle (932)
42. Alleluia the Christ Lord's Prayer (933)
43. Russian - Our Father (951)
44. Russian - For the Kingdom (951)
45. Celtic Mass (952)
46. Celtic Mass - for the Kingdom (952)
Shrewsbury Mass
47. Agnus Dei (456)
Hymn CD10C (Mass Settings)
Gospel Acclamations
1. Celtic Alleluia-Te Deum (410)
2. Celtic Alleluia - Recessional (410)
3. Alleluia Gaudete-verses 2-6 (931)
Backing CD: One verse only for 931
Prayer of the Faithful
4. Come, Lord Jesus, Mar. (418)
5. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer (Inwood) (419)
6. In our need, we pray to the Lord (420)
7. Through our Lives (421)
8. Hear our prayer (935)
9. We believe in God... (1024)
10. We believe in one God (1025)
Lord's Prayer
11. Our Father (Caribbean) (584)
12. Our Father (E. White) (585)
Latin Settings
Missa De Angelis (467)
13. Kyrie Eleison
14. Gloria
15. Sanctus
16. Pater Noster
17. Our Father
18. Agnus Dei
19. Dismissal
20. Kyrie eleison (Orb. Fact) (468)
21. Credo III (469)
22. Sanctus XVIII (470)
23. Mortem tuam (M. Acclamation) (471)
24. Doxolgy & Great Amen (472)
25. Agnus Dei XVIII (473)
Psallite Mass
26. Penitential Act 1 (967a)
27. Penitential Act 2 (967b)
28. Penitential Act 2 (B. notes) (967b)
29. Penitential Act 3 (967c)
30. Gloria (967d)
31. Nicene Creed (967e)
32. Apostle's Creed (967f)
33. Preparation of the Gifts (967g)
34. Preparation of the Gifts (967g)
35. Sanctus (967h)
36. Memorial Acclamation 1 (967i)
37. Memorial Acclamation 2 (967i)
38. Memorial Acclamation 3 (967i)
39. Great Amen (967j)
40. Our Father (967k)
41. For the kingdom (967k)
42. Agnus Dei 1 (967l)
43. Agnus Dei 2 (967m)
ICEL Missal chants
44. Penitential Act B (M1)
45. Penitential Act C - English (M2)
46. Penitential Act C - Latin (M2)
47. Gloria (M3)
48. Sanctus - English (M4)
49. Sanctus - Latin (M4)
50. Memorial Acclamation 1 (M5)
51. Memorial Acclamation 2 (M6)
52. Memorial Acclamation 3 - English (M7)
53. Memorial Acclamation 3 - Ireland only (M7)
54. Doxology (M8)
55. Agnus Dei - English (M9)
56. Agnus Dei - Latin (M9)
Hymn CD11
1. Faithful One (867)
2. Piano (867)
3. Father God I wonder (868)
4. Piano (868)
5. Going Home (872)
6. Organ (872)
7. I will call upon the Lord (877)
8. Organ (877)
9. Jesus be the centre (881)
10. Piano (881)
11. Jesus put this song into our hearts (884)
12. Piano (884)
13. Listen, let your heart keep singing (890)
14. Piano (890)
15. Longing for light (891)
16. Organ (891)
17. Nearer my God to thee (896)
18. Organ (896)
19. O God, you search me (898)
20. Piano (898)
Hymn CD12
1. O let the Son of God enfold you (899)
2. Piano (899)
3. Only by grace (902)
4. Piano (902)
5. See Him lying in a bed of straw (907)
6. Piano (907)
7. Share the light of Jesus (908)
8. Piano (908)
9. Such love (910)
10. Piano (910)
11. The Spirit lives (Walk in the light) (914)
12. Organ (914)
13. There is a longing (915)
14. Piano (915)
15. We bring to you this bread and wine (917)
16. Piano (917)
17. What shall we give (918)
18. Piano (918)
19. When my mind is still (919)
20. Piano (919)
Hymn CD14 (Psalms and Canticles)
1. Keep me safe, O God (968) Psalm 16 (15)
2. You, Lord, have the message (969) Psalm 19 (18)
3. Shepherd me, O God (970) Psalm 23 (22)
4. One thing I ask (971) Psalm 27 (26)
5. May your love be upon us O Lord (972) Psalm 33 (32)
6. Give me a new heart (973) Psalm 51 (50)
7. O Lord, I will sing (974) Psalm 63 (62)
8. Cry out with joy to God (975) Psalm 66 (65)
9. Let us see, O Lord, your mercy(976) Psalm 85 (84)
10. Give us your saving help (977) Psalm 85 (84)
11. Let us see your kindness (978) Psalm 85 (84)
12. Be with me Lord (979) Psalm 91 (90)
13. It is good to give thanks to You (980) Psalm 92 (91)
14. If today you hear His voice (981) Psalm 95 (94)
15. Today a Saviour has been born to us (982) Psalm 96 (95)
16. We are His people(Coy) (983) Psalm 100 (99)
17. We are His people (Haas) (984) Psalm 100 (99)
18. The Lord is compassion and love (985) Psalm 103 (102)
19. Send forth Your Spirit, O Lord(986) Psalm 104 (103)
20. Our blessing cup (987) Psalm 116 (115)
21. Easter Alleluia Psalm (988) Psalm 118 (117)
Hymn CD15 (Psalms and Canticles)
1. The stone which the builders rejected (989) Psalm 118 (117)
2. O blessed are those (990) Psalm 128 (127)
3. Come to me and I shall give you rest (991) Psalm 130 (129)
4. Like a child rests (992) Psalm 131 (130)
5. O give thanks to the Lord(993) Psalm 136 (135)
6. The fragrance of Christ (994) Psalm 138 (137)
7. O Lord, let my prayer rise (995) Psalm 141 (140)
8. I will bless Your name for ever (996) Psalm 145(144)
9. I will give you Glory (997) Psalm 145(144)
10. O Praise the Lord Jerusalem (998) Psalm 147
11. Canticle of Moses - Easter Vigil (999)
12. Blessed be the God and Father (1000)
13. Give thanks to the Father (1001)
14. Before Heaven and Earth were made (1002)
15. Great indeed is the Mystery (1003)
16. Worthy are you our Lord and God (1004)
17. We give thanks to you Lord (1005)
18. Great and wonderful are your deeds (1006)
19. We worship you Lord (1007)
20. Sion lift your voice and sing (1008)
21. Processional Litany of the Saints (1009)
Hymn CD16 (Weddings)
1. Bridal March (short version) Wagner
2. Bridal March (long version) Wagner
3. In Dulci Jubilo - J.S.Bach
4. Chorale Prelude 'Wachet Auf' - J.S.Bach
5. Fantasia & Fugue in G Major - J.S.Bach
6. Toccata - 5th Symphony - Widor
7. Toccata - Gothic Suite - Boellmann
8. Processional - St. Anthony Chorale - Haydn
9. Trumpet Voluntary - J.Clarke
10. Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring - J.S.Bach
11. Trumpet Voluntary - J.Stanley
12. Minuet Gothique - Boellmann
13. Water Music - Introduction - Handel
14. Water Music - Minuet - Handel
15. Water Music - Air - Handel
16. Water Music - Hornpipe - Handel
17. Ave Maria - Bach/Gounod
18. Wedding March - Mendelssohn
Hymn CD17 (Funerals)
1. Priere a Notre Dame - Boellmann
2. Choral Prelude - O Nun Komm Der Heiden Heiland - J.S.Bach
3. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth - Handel
4. Sonatina - Funeral Cantata 106 - Henry Ley
5. Requiescat in Pace - J.S.Bach
6. Passiontide Air - J.S.Bach
7. Passacaglia (from the Death of Falstaff) - William Walton
8. Brother James' Air - Boellmann
9. Ave Verum - Mozart
10. Air from Suite in D - J.S.Bach
11. Panis Angelicus - Cesar Franck
12. Carillon - H.Murrill
13. Toccata & Fugue in D Minor - J.S.Bach
Hymn CD18 (Lent)
1. At the cross her station (57)
2. Accompaniment only (57)
3. Because the Lord is my shepherd (77)
4. Accompaniment only (77)
5. Blest be the Lord (91)
6. Accompaniment only (91)
7. Flow, river flow (155)
8. Accompaniment only (155)
9. Father we love you (167)
10. Accompaniment only (167)
11. Follow me, follow me (175)
12. Accompaniment only (175)
13. God be in my head (205)
14. Accompaniment only (205)
15. God forgave my sin in Jesus' name (209)
16. Accompaniment only (209)
17. God is Love; His the care (215)
18. Accompaniment only (215)
19. Hail glorious St. Patrick (234)
20. Accompaniment only (234)
Hymn CD19 (Lent)
1. I am the Bread of Life (271)
2. Accompaniment only (271)
3. I danced in the morning (275)
4. Accompaniment only (275)
5. Here I am Lord (285)
6. Accompaniment only (285)
7. If God is for us (295)
8. Accompaniment only (295)
9. Lord you have come to the lakeside (395)
10. Accompaniment only (395)
11. Jubilate everybody (338)
12. Accompaniment only (338)
13. Look around you (376)
14. Accompaniment only (376)
15. Oh lord all the world belongs to you (567)
16. Accompaniment only (567)
17. O Jesus I have promised (536)
18. Accompaniment only (536)
19. Oh the word of my Lord (572)
20. Accompaniment only (572)
Hymn CD20 (Lent)
1. Ours were the sufferings (590)
2. Accompaniment only (590)
3. Peace I give to you (594)
4. Accompaniment only (594)
5. Rock of ages (624)
6. Accompaniment only (624)
7. This is my will (732)
8. Accompaniment only (732)
9. Will you come and follow me (812)
10. Accompaniment only (812)
11. Bring forth the kingdom (821)
12. Accompaniment only (821)
13. Be not afraid (830)
14. Accompaniment only (830)
15. On eagles wings (832)
16. Accompaniment only (832)
17. Longing for light (891)
18. Accompaniment only (891)
19. My Jesus my saviour (895)
20. Accompaniment only (895)
Hymn CD21 (Easter)
1. All Heaven declares (20)
2. Accompaniment only (20)
3. An upper room did our Lord prepare (42)
4. Accompaniment only (42)
5. Bless the Lord, O my soul (82)
6. Accompaniment only (82)
7. From the depths of sin and sadness (188)
8. Accompaniment only (188)
9. I met you at the cross (279)
10. Accompaniment only (279)
11. Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (318)
12. Accompaniment only (318)
13. Lamb of God, holy one (345)
14. Accompaniment only (345)
15. Lift high the cross (363)
16. Accompaniment only (363)
17. Shine, Jesus, Shine (388)
18. Accompaniment only (388)
19. Broken for me, broken for you (863)
20. Accompaniment only (863)
Hymn CD22 (Easter)
1. Meekness and Majesty (487)
2. Accompaniment only (487)
3. My Lord what love is this (500)
4. Accompaniment only (500)
5. Now the green blade riseth (513)
6. Accompaniment only (513)
7. Oh Living water (566)
8. Accompaniment only (566)
9. Pange lingua gloriosi (593)
10. Accompaniment only (593)
11. Surrexit Christus (672)
12. Accompaniment only (672)
13. This is the day (731)
14. Accompaniment only (731)
15. Victimae paschali laudes (760)
16. Accompaniment only (760)
17. We cry hosanna (775)
18. Accompaniment only (775)
19. You are the King of Glory (822)
20. Accompaniment only (822)