Children's Book of Saints
Written by
Louis M. Savary.
This best-selling and
beautifully illustrated book tells the story of 52 inspiring saints.
Suitable for ages 6-9.
Aloysius Gonzaga....... Angela Merici....... Anne....... Anthony of
Padua....... Augustine....... Benedict....... Bernadette....... Bridget of
Sweden....... Catherine Laboure....... Catherine of Siena....... Cecilia.......
Dominic Savio.......Elizabeth of Hungary....... Elizabeth Seton....... Frances
Xavier Cabrini....... Francis of Assisi....... Francis de Sales....... Francis
Xavier....... Gemma Galgani....... George....... Helen the Empress.......
Ignatius Loyola....... Isaac Jogues....... Isidore the Farmer....... Jane
Frances De Chantal....... Joan of Arc....... John the Baptist....... John
Baptist De La Salle....... John Bosco....... John Neumann....... Joseph.......
Jude....... Kateri Tekakwitha....... Lucy....... Margaret Mary....... Maria
Goretti....... Martin De Porres....... Mary Queen of Saints....... Patrick.......
Paul....... Peter....... Peter Clavier....... Rose of Lima....... Stanislaus
Kostka....... Stephen....... Theresa the Little Flower....... Thomas the
Apostle....... Thomas Aquinas....... Thomas More....... Vincent De Paul.
Specifications: Hardback / fully illustrated / 112 pages / 5.2" x 7.5".