Masses with Young People
Revised edition, updated in accordance with the revised Roman Missal of 2010.
Authors: Sr Jude Groden RSM & Fr Christopher O'Donnell O.CARM
Foreword by Bishop Alan Williams SM, Bishop of Brentwood
"The Eucharist is essential for us: it is Christ who wishes to enter our lives and fill us with his grace." Pope Francis
Special features of this book include: Over thirty Masses with suggested modern & traditional hymns.
A collection of Masses for many occasions for which a Mass might be deemed appropriate.
Eucharistic celebrations for the Liturgical year:
- Advent
- Epiphany
- Candlemas
- Presentation of the Lord
- Lent
- Easter
- Ascension
- Corpus Christi
- Pentecost
- Our Lady
- All Saints
- Remembrance
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- St David
- St Patrick
- St Joseph
- St George
- SS Peter & Paul
- St Andrew
- Opening of the school year
- Harvest
- Christian unity
- Peace & reconciliation
- First Communion
- School leavers
- Anniversary of school
- Inspection time
- Retirement
- Local & national tragedy
- Death of a pupil
- Mass for a suicide victim
- Closing of school year