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Books | The Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching - Participation in Worship and the World
The Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching - Participation in Worship and the World
Catholic social teaching guides us in how we are to
live the Gospel in today’s world. Liturgy forms us in these teachings and sends
us out into the world to give witness to the Gospel. Organized by the seven
themes of Catholic social teaching as developed by the United States bishops,
this resource explores the intimate connection between liturgy and Catholic
social teaching. It provides insights for parish teams on how Catholics might
better live what it is we celebrate each time we gather to worship God and
express more fully, consciously, and actively what it means to be in right
relationship with God and the world.
With questions for discussion and reflection
following each thematic chapter, worship teams, parish councils, and peace and
justice committees will be able to evaluate and improve parish liturgical
practices and ministerial outreach as rooted in Catholic social teaching. With
penitential services organized by each of the seven themes, this resource also
provides parishioners with the means to examine their own consciences, make
acts of reparation, and resolve to be more committed to following the teachings
of the Church. "Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching" resource is
sure to help build a world that more closely reflects the love and mercy, justice,
and peace of God.
Paperback | 6 x 9 | 192 pages