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What does it mean to be an RCIA Sponsor? - Pamphlet/Pk25
Order ref: LBL7176
Categories | Church | Books | What does it mean to be an RCIA Sponsor? - Pamphlet/Pk25

What does it mean to be an RCIA Sponsor? - Pamphlet/Pk25

The sponsor is a companion and mentor to catechumens and candidates participating in the Rite of Christian Initiations of Adults. This pamphlet is the perfect resource to give to those considering this ministry. 

Other pamphlets in the Understanding Christian Initiation series are:-

  • How do I become Catholic?
  • What are the Sacraments of Initiation?
  • What is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults?

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What are the Sacraments of Initiation? - Pamphlet/Pk25
What are the Sacraments of Initiation? - Pamphlet/Pk25
Order ref LBL7169

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