Faith Resource Book
Sheet music resource book to accompany Mike Stanley's special 5
track EP released for the Year of Faith, order ref: CJMCD002
Pack Contents:
Backing Tracks CD
Full Piano Score (Long Version)
Full Piano Score (Reduced Version)
Melody line and Guitar Chords (Lead Sheet)
Song Words & catechesis for use in parishes and schools
1. Faith - A fun story song with a
catchy chorus emphasising the importance of faith.
2. His Name is Jesus - A story
song giving eye-witness account of the miracles that reveal who Jesus is.
3. Can I get an "Amen" -
In this song we are called to follow God in the same way the disciples did.
4. Radiant A thought-provoking
song emphasising the constancy of God's love.
5. Eat of this Bread - A
taize-style communion processional song.