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Services of Reconciliation
Order ref: CM7958
Categories | Themed Categories | Seasons | Lent & Easter | Books | Services of Reconciliation

Services of Reconciliation

For communal use during Advent & Lent. 

Providing a reflective approach to the Sacrament of Reconciliation that will take us to a place of personal encounter with our loving and merciful God, as we are put in touch with the deep longings of our hearts.

Services of Reconciliation contains a collection of services of reconciliation suitable for groups of various sizes. Modelled on the pattern of Lectio Divina - the process of approaching God’s mercy through his revealed word to us, these services seek to lead penitents into a prayerful and fruitful celebration through carefully chosen themes, readings and reflections.

Each service is an invitation to a gradual process of awareness of daily failures, challenges and ultimately an acceptance of God’s gratuitous love. The services are based on the appropriate scripture texts and give a choice of gentle approaches to lead those seeking forgiveness to be drawn more deeply into the heart of God, who is love.

Sr Nuala Gannon IBVM was the  Adviser of Adult Religion Education and Formation for Ministry in Brentwood Diocese and was also the Diocesan Co-ordinator of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). For many years she produced a series of reconciliation services for use in the deaneries and parishes of the Diocese of Brentwood. She contributed to the text of a National Resource, I Call You Friends, a resource for children attending state schools in preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.