Explaining the Mass
to young people of Confirmation age.
This book places the new translations of the revised Roman Missal into
the hands of those who use them. In addition it provides a comprehensive
introduction to what we do when we pray the Mass.
It also contains a section looking at the various languages of the
Liturgy - the spoken languages used, the language of the body, the language of
the senses and the language of how we live our daily lives. Also included is a
guide to the structure of the Eucharistic Prayer, to draw young people into a
deeper understanding of this prayer.
Contents also include:
- Introduction: The beginning of it all, A New Commandment, Do this in
memory of me, A people rooted in tradition
- Praying the Mass: Before we begin...
- The Introductory Rites: Entrance Song, Greeting, the Penitential Acts,
Kyrie & Gloria
- The Liturgy of the Word: Responses, the Nicene Creed, the Apostles'
Creed & the Prayer of the Faithful
- The Liturgy of the Eucharist: The Orate Fratres, the Eucharistic
Prayers & the Communion Rite
- The Concluding Rites & the Dismissal
Specifications: A5 / 64 pages / Full Colour
1-9 Copies - £3.95 each, 10+ Copies £3.50 each
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