The CTS New Sunday Missal
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The new translation of the Mass together with the current 3-year cycle of readings, for Sundays (and solemnities)
Mass readings are from the current Lectionary (Jerusalem Bible - not suitable for USA)
The CTS New Sunday and Daily Missals are a brand-new edition being published to coincide with the launch of the new English translation of the Mass (2011).
Following Pope Benedict's expressed desire that this new translation become a springboard for a renewal and a deepening of Eucharistic devotion, CTS has created these Missals that contain everything you need at Mass.
The CTS Missals beautifully present the parts that you would find in any good Missal:
- Order of Mass with all Eucharistic prayers, prefaces, concluding rites and blessings;
- Full Calendar; Lists of Feasts and readings for reference;
- Masses for special occasions and needs, etc.
- But as well as these, the CTS Missals uniquely offer also:
- Parallel Latin texts alongside the English for the Order of Mass and the priest's prayers;
- Preparatory prayers for before Mass;
- Prayers of thanksgiving and devotion for after Mass;
- Comprehensive appendix of other prayers and devotions such as Stations of the Cross, prayers before the Blessed Sacrament;
- Inspiring introductions for major feasts and seasons
Choice of two editions, to suit your needs:
Both editions feature:
- Durable and attractive binding
- Clear layout, easy-to-read fonts
- Beautiful sacred art in full colour.
- Ribbon placeholders (in different colours).
Gift editions also available for Sunday Missal
- First Communion Edition (White leather, gold page edges, in box)
- Presentation Edition (Burgundy leather, gold page edges, in box)
Hardback 1260 Pages
Click to view sample pages on external website