Questions Children Ask, with possible answers
By Kenneth Payne
This book is honest, humorous and full of love, an inspiration to parents and teachers. Parents will enjoy the opportunity to engage in a loving and
happy dialogue with their children. Teachers will find this a useful
'aide memoire' in providing themes for discussion groups which will both
expand children's thinking skills and knowledge. Highly Recommended.
Monica Basham (retired headmistress).
The very short answers are beautifully expressed with the final one the best of all:
Q: "Why did God choose me to live on earth?
A: "Because you are a wonderful person and he wanted to show his love through you to others."
We are invited to share our faith, to be unafraid of saying "I believe..." and confidently and honest so say: "I really don't know the answer". As a grandmother I am delighted to have this book - and I am ready for the questions!"
Clare Richards
Here are some of the questions:
Q: "Where is my soul?"
A: "It really is the whole of you: the spiritual part of you that makes you unique and different from everyone else."
Q: "Is there a meaning to life"
A: "Most things have a purpose. For example, a pen is to write with, and our purpose, as human beings, is to love and to show what loving is. it shows most of all in how we treat other people, and how we love God. Love is like the wind: we can't actually see it, but we can see its effects. And God wants each one of us to help in building up his Kingdom of Love. We do this by being kind and obedient and helpful to one another."
Specifications: A5 / Spiral bound / age-range 5-11 year olds.