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Christ, Yesterday, today and forever - Banner BAN2043
From £165.00 £198.00 inc VAT
Order ref: BAN2043
Categories | Banners | Seasonal | Easter | Christ, Yesterday, today and forever - Banner BAN2043

Christ, Yesterday, today and forever - Banner BAN2043

Artwork by The Benedictine Sisters of Turvey Abbey

A collection of colourful and vibrant designs for the Liturgical Year.

This collection consists of the following banners:
Stay Awake (Advent 1)
Prepare (Advent 2)
Rejoice the Lord is near! (Advent 3)
Emmanuel, God with us (Advent 3)
Love came to live among us (Christmas)
Man does live on bread alone (Lent 1)
Listen to Him (Lent 2)
I mean to save you (Lent 3)
Father (Lent 4 – C)
He will renew you by His Love (Lent 5)
Sing Praise to our King (Palm Sunday)
We adore you Christ (Good Friday)
He showed the depth of His love (Holy Thursday)
Christ, Yesterday, today and forever (Easter Sunday)
Lord Jesus, come in glory (Ascension)
Come Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
Click here to view all the banner images in this collection.

Wall Hanging Banner: Dye sublimation printing on a 100% close weave, natural feel polyester material with dowling, tulip wood end caps and gold effect hanging cord. Fire retardant: BS5867/Type B DIN4102. An extra depth of approx. 12" should be allowed when measuring to allow for the hanging cord. A sample of the material can be supplied upon request. 

Delivery: Please allow 10-14 days from date of order.

Product options:

  £165.00   (£198.00 inc VAT)
  £270.00   (£324.00 inc VAT)