Creation - Banner
exquisite range of 'New Creation' high quality banners features the artwork of
The Benedictine Sisters of Turvey Abbey.
The first
set of 10 designs depict scenes for the Easter Vigil & Easter season but
can be used for other times within the Church's liturgical cycle or for
celebration of the Sacraments.
View the series here.
'God saw
all that he had made and indeed it was very good.' That was how it all
began. Creation - Genesis 1:1-2:2.
God in
his love would not allow his creation to suffer defeat through sin and death.
In the fullness of time he sent his Son, to make us a new creation:
"See, I make all things new." (Revelation 21:5).
Hanging Banner: Dye
sublimation printing on a 100% close weave, natural feel polyester material
with dowling, tulip wood end caps and gold effect hanging cord. Fire
retardant: BS5867/Type B DIN4102. An extra depth of approx. 12"
should be allowed when measuring to allow for the hanging cord. A sample of the
material can be supplied upon request.
orders of 3 of more wall hanging banners, from our extensive range, a 10%
discount will be applied at time of invoice.
Delivery: Please allow 10-14 days from
date of order.