Guide for Training Initiation Ministers - An Introduction to the RCIA
Michael Ruzicki
This practical guide provides parish leaders with
the tools needed for facilitating and training all those involved with the
adult Christian initiation process. Designed as a companion to 'An Introduction
to the RCIA' by Ronald Lewinski the enclosed training sessions explore
the vision, theology and purpose of the Rite of Christian Initation of Adults
in a lively, interactive and fun filled way.
This training resource will help parish leaders:-
- Explore
the stages and rites of the RCIA
- Catechise
and form initiation ministers in the vision of the RCIA
- Encourage
deeper reflection on the sacraments of initiation, especially Baptism
- Engage
you will find:
- Ten
detailed, informative, and prayerful training session
- Easy-to-use
leader’s and participants’ outlines
- Scripts
and directions for leader’s facilitation
- Discussion
- Opening
and closing prayers
- Thirteen
videos with interviews and footage of best practice
- Links
to supplemental materials
Book with disc / 8 1/2 x 11 / 128