The Living Word - Leading RCIA Dismissals (Year C)
This easy-to-use resource provides initiation ministers with
the pastoral tools needed to lead dismissal sessions with adults preparing for
Baptism. Through reflection and discussion, each dismissal session guide helps
to develop the catechumen’s relationship with Christ, self, and neighbor by
internalizing the Word, concentrating their prayer around the Scriptures, and
becoming familiar with the teachings of the Church. The step-by-step format
makes leading the dismissal an easy and prayerful experience.
The Living Word™: Leading RCIA Dismissals, Year C includes:
- Guides for dismissal sessions for every Sunday and Holyday
of Obligation of Year C
- Seasonal overviews, Scripture backgrounds, and preparation
materials for catechists
- Seasonal dismissal texts for the priest celebrant
- Complete reflection texts with discussion sparkers on the
readings of the day
- Centering ideas and closing prayers
- Suggestions for additional catechetical topics that are
connected to the readings of the day
- An appendix with dismissal guides for the Rite of
Acceptance, Rite of Sending, Rite of Election, and the three Scrutinies
Paperback | 8 1/2 x 11 | 352 pages